3 Ways to Keep Your Remote Team Motivated in 2023

Nick Shucet

July 3, 2023

Let’s face it. To build a successful business, you need a highly motivated team. However, the challenge of motivating team members scattered across the globe differs significantly from motivating them in person.

Especially in 2023, as the remote work trend continues to thrive, keeping your team motivated becomes way harder. 

Inspired by the valuable insights shared by Sean Chow in Episode 2 of the MDS Podcast, I’ve compiled four effective strategies that will help you create an engaging work environment for your remote team. So, let's jump right in!

1. Communicate, communicate, communicate

I know you've heard it a thousand times before, but it bears repeating: communication is key. But this is even more so the case when managing a remote team. 

To keep everyone on the same page, schedule regular check-ins and meetings such as Level 10 calls. These dedicated times for communication will allow team members to ask questions, provide feedback, and share updates. 

Be readily available to address any concerns and offer constructive feedback to keep the lines of communication flowing. Being transparent and consistent will show your team that you're always open and available, making them feel comfortable and engaged.

2. Introduce 1-on-1 Meetings

 As much as team communication is important, don't underestimate the impact of one-on-one meetings with your team members.

These meetings are a chance to connect on a personal level, offer support, and provide feedback. By actively listening, guiding, and encouraging open dialogue, you create an environment where your team will feel valued and motivated. 

Remember, it's not just about work-related matters; make time for non-work conversations too!

3. Make them feel like they're part of something and not just like a virtual worker

The downside of working remotely is a sense of disconnect from the team, due to no physical connection. However, you can preserve a dynamic company culture in a remote environment. 

Make employee well-being the core foundation of your working culture. It makes no sense to have them chair-bond from 8 AM to 5 PM. So offer them flexibility in small things, such as going to the doctor when they need to, taking extended lunch breaks, or going to the gym during the day. These can greatly motivate them, reduce stress, and increase motivation. 

Once you've created a fantastic remote team culture, you'll see it when your team members collaborate, communicate in real-time, and supercharge their productivity.

And guess what? Sean Chow has some amazing tips to keep his remote team motivated! You won't want to miss it! Check out the podcast episode right now on all major platforms: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Listen Notes, Accomplishment media, or watch all our video content on our YouTube channel.